Yahoo Search Marketing

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I was interested in exploring Yahoo Search marketing but back in 2008 while I was working in the UK they had dissolved this program. (See below)

Fast forward to 2010, after I have worked on many other things and Yahoo Search Marketing is now Alive! ALIVE! Search Marketing for Small BUsinesses

Dissolution of Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador programme

Dear Current or Prospective Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador:

The Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador program was specifically developed to help marketers drive sales leads to their clients. For the last four years, Yahoo! has made an effort to enhance the program to provide the greatest added value to our users. After a thorough evaluation of the program, we have decided to discontinue the program.

The Ambassador Program, except for the limited use of the Ambassador Logo as noted below, shall be terminated as of September 30, 2008.

For Prospective Ambassadors: Yahoo! stopped accepting new registrations to be an Ambassador on April 29, 2008. Ambassadors with pending certification have until July 31, 2008 to qualify to become an Ambassador.

If you have registered but not yet obtained certification to be an Ambassador, you have until July 31, 2008 to complete the training and take the test to become eligible to be an Ambassador. Once certified, landing pages will be delivered to new Ambassadors no later than August 31, 2008.

For Current Ambassadors and Prospective Ambassadors Who Become Certified:
Ambassador commissions will no longer be earned or paid for any Managed Advertiser Account created on or after July 31, 2008. No Ambassador commission will be earned by an Ambassador or paid by us for any Managed Advertiser Account created on or after July 31, 2008. All Ambassadors that are due payment of an Ambassador commission will be forwarded such payment no later than September 30, 2008.

The Ambassador Logo may Still be Used:
Ambassadors may continue to use the logo of the Ambassador Program on their web sites only to exhibit their designation as an Ambassador by Yahoo!. However, all other sales, marketing and promotions relating to the Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador Program must cease effective July 31, 2008.

New Program Terms reflecting the above changes are set forth at, or at such other location as we may designate.

We thank you for your support, dedication and participation in the Ambassador Program, and for your business with Yahoo! Search Marketing. For further information on these changes, please contact us at

Your Partners at Yahoo! Search Marketing