365 Days of 3D

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Simple Heart Model

31dec2015 print2.png 31dec2015 print1.png

Simple Low Poly Blender Land

31dec2015 print4.png 31dec2015 print3.png

Water Bottle

Quick Navigation

  • Shift-Mousescroll to go up and down
  • Ctrl-Mousescroll to left and right
  • Mousescroll to zoom in and out
  • E - Extrude
  • S - Scale
  • P - Separate into another object (Options)
  • X - Delete (Options)
  • If you can't find your background image, check that you're in ortho view. It does not appear in perspective.
  • Select at least two vertices for Edge Loop
  • B + left click drag to quickly select multiple vertices whilst in edit / wireframe mode. Remember to press A to deselect first.
  • Ctrl+R to make edge loop. Middle-mouse scroll to increase divisions.

2jan2015 print1.png 2jan2015 print2.png 2jan2015 print3.png

2jan2015 print4.png 2jan2015 print5.png

Ctrl-J to Join objects. But this may not produce manifold objects. To check your model, in Edit mode > Ctrl+alt+shift+m tries to select non-manifold parts of your mesh. Those parts could be: loose vertices, double geometry, inside faces/edges, holes

Pink Hand Cream

2jan2015 print6.png 2jan2015 print7.png 2jan2015 print8.png

  • If scene is too noisy, under Render (camera icon in properties) > Sampling > Samples to 100+

2jan2015 print9.png

Earth UV

  • Alt-rightclick to select edge loop <-- THIS IS SUPER ESSENTIAL!!!
  • Ctrl-E to get Edge menu
  • UV must be set to Generated > Sphere

3jan2015 print1.png

Emission Plane as Light

  • Note that sometimes if your material doesn't show up as expected, it might be stacked up with more materials than you expected. Check Materials to make sure you haven't got extra material settings.

3jan2015 print3a.png 3jan2015 print2.png 3jan2015 print3.png

Typography Exercise

Mockup on paper:

3jan2015 typedraft.png

  • G - Spiral
  • E - Text Letter
  • O - Icosphere
  • R - Simple handdrawn/extruded vertices
  • G - Grease Pencil drawn on surface of a curved plane, converted into path, simplified (Addon>Simplify Curve), then bevel with Bezier Circle
  • E - Circle turned into Spring (Add Modifier > Spring)
  • Pressing spacebar allows you to search for any function. in this case, Simplify Curve cannot be found in the menu but can be found via Search (spacebar) then typing the first few letters.
  • After using grease pencil - If nothing can be scaled or things stop working properly, remember to disable "enable editing" of the Grease Pencil!!!

3jan2015 print5.png 3jan2015 print7.png

3jan2015 print8.png 3jan2015 print9.png

3jan2015 print4.png 3jan2015 print6.png

Armature Exercise

Following this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR2OV9r76_w

I quickly made a simple creature with 4 legs...

4jan2015 armature5.png

  • In edit mode, Shift A > Add Armature
  • Click on the ball and press E to extrude a new bone out of the ball
  • W to see specials menu to subdivide a bone
  • You can delete bones but keep their parent
  • for inverse kinematics you should click on those bones Alt-P Clear parent
  • go to pose mode, select the handle bone and the bone to be inverse and Shift I to add active Inverse kinematics bone
  • go to bone constraint (bone + chain link in properties) and increase chain link to something like 2 (two bones above it)
  • if bone not connected, shift click on all children first then parent and Ctrl-P to parent > keep offset
  • When in Pose mode, alt-g to reset and snap back into positon after you mess it up
  • Ctrl-J to join all the parts of your model into one mesh
  • Finally, Shift Click your animal mesh, then Shift Click your armature, Ctrl P to Set parent automatic weights
  • MAGIC!!!

4jan2015 armature1.png 4jan2015 armature2.png 4jan2015 armature3.png 4jan2015 armature4.png

  • Shift - S - snap to menu
  • Draw Circle below to make a custom shape root
  • go to animation view
  • make a pose
  • select A to select all the bones
  • I > insert keyframe > LocRot (location rotation)
  • mouse over the dope sheet - Shift Up to go 10 frames forward you see it go to 10


  • Select faces > Ctrl G to set vertex group
  • Add Particle > Density Group to be set to your saved vertex group
  • Particle Edit > Comb

4jan2015 hair1.png 4jan2015 hair2.png 4jan2015 hair3.png 4jan2015 hair4.png

Array Exercise

  • Alt , to manipulate origin point separate from the object itself (or click on the small button below)
  • Shift A to add Empty > Plain Axes
  • Offset the object, make sure you are in Edit Mode, then add Array, Constant Offset, Object Offset with Empty (the empty axes that was made at origin)
  • Increase the Count, and also make sure that if your original model was rotated/scaled/transformed in any way, that it must reflect the same numbers on this empty so your model will not go into an ever decreasing spiral of nothingness

4jan2015 array1.png 4jan2015 array2.png 4jan2015 array3.png 4jan2015 array4.png

HDRI Map to light scene

High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI) is used to visualise reflecting materials and for lighting scenes. Metallic objects don't look real unless they are reflecting other materials such as the room around them. An environmental texture can be used as a light within the scene. This is also known as “Image Based Lighting”, or IBL.

  • Cycles Node > Environmental Texture
  • in World, Turn on multiple importance

5jan2016 hdri1.png 5jan2016 hdri2.png 5jan2016 hdri3.png 5jan2016 hdri4.png 5jan2016 hdri5.png 5jan2016 hdri6.png

Lighting Exercise - Reduce Fireflies in Render

Fireflies are the burnt out white pixels.

5jan2016 hdri7.png 5jan2016 hdri8.png

Solutions for reducing fireflies

  • Increase lamp size (Improves most scenes a lot) - 0.5 or more...
  • Render (Camera in Properties) > Light Paths > Increase Filter Glossy to 0.5 (Puts glossy filter on caustics)
  • Render > Sampling > Increase Render to 1000
  • Lights - test out using and not using Multiple Importance Sampling. Usually you should have it.
  • (Bad practice but may work) Setting clamping - the threshold for how high the maximum brightness in the scene can be then removing all the rest
  • (Bad practice but may work) No Caustics (next to Filter Glossy option in Render) - "A caustic effect may be seen when light refracts or reflects through some refractive or reflective material, to create a more focused, stronger light on the final location. Such amplification, especially of sunlight, can burn -- hence the name."

There is no real difference between using area lamp or emissive polygon in Cycles, as Cycles just determines the softness of a shadow by shooting a ray in a random direction and seeing if it hits a light source, and which part.

  • For an emissive polygon (mesh light), a hit "counts" if it intersects the mesh.
  • For an area lamp, a hit "counts" if it passes through the rectangular area around the lamp's center. This area is configurable, in Blender.
  • Point lamps work the same way except that the area around the lamp's center is spherical (which is controllable by its size)
What is Multiple Importance?
  • Multiple importance sample (MIS) basically helps guide rays towards light sources, reducing noise
  • Without MIS only rays that bounce directly to the lamp are sampled (camera > surface > lamp). With it, all sorts of bounces are sampled.

Smoke Stacks

Was busy with other work. This was an experiment to make something more architectural.


Volumetric Light Exercise

Downloaded a plant to use in this exercise: http://blender-archi.tuxfamily.org/Models#Indoor

Just realised it is really interesting to look at how other people build up their files. Noticed an ngp file inside.



  • Shift A to add
  • Mesh Cube
  • Ctrl R to make edge loop drag to corner to make mattress
  • Ctrl-Tab to select between Mesh vertices face etc selector

12jan bed1.png 12jan bed2.png 12jan bed3.png

Blender Cycles Nodes Exercise

Blendernodes v1.png Blendernodes v2.png Blendernodes v3.png Blendernodes v4.png

Types of data must be piped in the right place but just think of it like colour multiplication but in 3 dimensions!!

Material Output: Now we know how to use surface and displacement.

So what is volume then? According to Blender Reference:

Blendernodes v5.png


Screencast Keys and Bear Screencast

Decided to try to find the screencast keys plugin which seems very handy but disappointed to find it removed for 2.7 according to blendernation article (Source: http://www.blendernation.com/2014/07/02/screencast-keys-addon-is-removed-b3d/). But found two ways of getting simple keys showing again.

method 1 Fortunately some other brave soul has rebuilt a version

  • https://github.com/jedihe/b3d_screencast_keys
  • Load the script in the text editor and run it (Alt+P).
  • Hit Alt+Shift+C in the 3D View to start using it.
  • To enable the keyboard display, look for a new panel in the right sidebar of the 3D View (N key).

method 2 (easier)

Next: half an hour to build a misobatakon which is then to be uploaded.


blender building simple uv

you need to start with a blueprint for things at the beginning.

great resources:

Building uv.png

"realLove" glossy nodes black fix

reference image

Block uv ref.png

my render

Block uv final.png

experiment to recreate set of Chris Lee (Li Yuchun 李宇春) - Real Love / Only You

Block uv 1.png Block uv 2.png

  • Initially had problem where glossy chrome had black areas. fortunately it is a very simple fix, it is because the glossy shader has no base colour, only gloss. it just needs a base colour. in nodes, add diffuse white shade and mix shader.
  • Also, the material should have been platinum not chrome. Chrome has quite a hard dark sheen whereas platinum is light.
  • I edited the lightbox to be at an angle based on the reference. From this I can already backwards engineer the actual set that it was shot in.

"otherGirl" cycles lighting exercise

reference image

Cycles exercise ref.png

my rendered image

Cycles exercise final.png

reference from SEVDALIZA - THAT OTHER GIRL (visual by Pussykrew) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koAtzvSBvfE Using fairly low poly but rigged female model on blendswap by AlexanderLee http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/57706

Cycles exercise v1.png Cycles exercise v2.png Cycles exercise v3.png

simple geode #1

W to get specials menu (with subdivide and other useful things > to join two edge loops you just go to bridge edge loops P to seperate by selection


object was not manifold.

maybe because of normals. normals = the direction the 3D face/vertex is pointing. A lot of things use Normals. Normals determine things like the direction of an Emmitter Object, the way the Hair Strand will stand, and how the Cycles Glossy Shader with Fresnel will react to the object.

N toggles the properties bar on the right (whilst you're in edit mode) which has a normals view section.

ctl option shift m to check for non manifold.

what is this rainbow? oh its a mesh checker. there is an overhang here.


rubber band


Rubberband reference.png

reference image: courtesy of alasdair duncan

my render

Rubberband 1.png Rubberband 2.png Rubberband 3.png

Rubberband 4.png

Rubberband 5.png

lake and tire


User preferences > enable ANT landscape

Lake1.png Lake2.png

black room

reference image

image randomly picked from google images "Shannon Ebner at ICA Miami (via icamiami.org)"

source: http://hyperallergic.com/256635/your-concise-guide-to-the-2015-miami-art-fairs/

looked at "typographical art" exhibition and said MEH, I CAN RENDER THAT AND THE WHOLE ROOM EVEN.


my render

Blackroom 0.png Blackroom.png


reference image


my render

Fishtank 1.png

Fishtank 2.png

Fishtank 3.png

south gallery

no clue where this is but was just attracted by the photo so i made it.

postnote: theaster gates is a person? not a place? oh my.

this is interior of white cube anyway.


reference image

Theaster Gates - South Gallery II, room I theastergates.com640 × 479Search by image South Gallery II, room I

T gallery reference.png

my render

T gallery 1.png

wightman road gallery

photo i took on the way home WHY NOT MODEL IT TOO

reference image

W gallery reference.png

my render

W gallery 1.png

soviet bus stop

an oldtime favourite of the BRUTALISM APPRECIEEATION CLUBB


reference image

Sovietbusstop reference.png

my render





driven to abstraction

reference image

Abstraction reference.png

image traced back to http://www.catherinelosing.co.uk/

my render

this was obviously easy peasy - half an hour and a rough sketch emerges!


Abstraction 2.png Abstraction 3.png

Abstraction 4.png

Abstraction 5.png

TO BE DONE: broken calorie

this article was being reposted constantly

http://digg.com/2016/calorie-unit-broken the image traced back to http://www.catherinelosing.co.uk/

TO BE DONE (blender crash..)

TO BE DONE: brutalism bridge

Chongqingbridge reference.png

someone posted this on brutalism appreciators again... traced back to: Caiyuanba Bridge by Mark Horn

TO BE DONE: vilinius geometry

Urbangeometry reference.png

this image had "similarity" to the soviet bridge image on google image search.

traced back to a photo by Spanish photographer Andres Gallardo Albajar. "Urban Geometry: I Capture The Contrast Between Soviet And Modern Architecture In Vilnius"

purple room

Purple room source.png

Purple room screenshot.png

many fireflies - only managed to remove by increasing clamp indirect to over 1. in the end upped it to 1.95 to get a clean render but lost some brilliance.

Purple room screenshot2.png

MSCP Dustbin

Blender refresher

  • Control-R for Split Edge
  • Select Vertex: W>Subdivide
  • to subtract objects is add modifier to main body > boolean > union with minor body
  • Select seams - Ctrl E to mark seam - when red those will be cut
  • U when you are in uv to unwrap
  • S X hyphen 1 (sx-1) to manually invert normals flip normals
  • you need to mark seam, unwrap, create new material, add texture image in nodes


George Object 1

3dgeorgeobject v1.png 3dgeorgeobject v2.png

George Object 2

  • save image as hi-res transparent png
  • use inkscape to trace bitmap
  • save as svg
  • import into blender
  • add modifier > solidify

3dgeorgepng.png 3dgeorgescreenshot.png 3dgeorgescreenshot2.png