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the readable stuff is at the [[Actionscript]] page, the sandbox is the-messing-around-with-snippets-section.
the readable stuff is at the [[Actionscript]] page, the sandbox is the-messing-around-with-snippets-section.
Line 186: Line 187:
*main class code should be in the file hulkdash.as (filename matches class name)
*main class code should be in the file hulkdash.as (filename matches class name)
*use packages
*use packages
actionscript, that infuriatingly intractable marshmellow fluff...
so far i have only understood the most basic of concepts, but now i will try to learn it well.
*[[Actionscript Sandbox]]
*[http://moock.org/lectures/groundUpAS3/ Moock's Actionscript 3.0 from the Ground Up]
== alpha ==
// set movie clip's alpha (transparency) to 50% immediately
myMC._alpha = 50%
// set up alphacounter, if alphacounter is undefined then it sets it to 99. otherwise alphacounter is to decrease to 0 and delete itself.
myMC.onEnterFrame = function (){
this.alphaCount = (this.alphaCount == undefined) ? 99 : --this.alphaCount;
this._alpha = this.alphaCount;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
// change it to ++ to make it go up
== Codehinting ==
to keep with good practice you should keep to these common suffixes so that any programmer can read your code easily without finding it utterly incomprehensible.
*must start with letters, underscore or dollarsign.
*no hyphens or other punctuation besides the underscore.
*cannot start with a number.
*are case-insensitive, but keep it constant or you might get confused
*xxx_str  // means the variable contains a string
*xxx_arr // means the variable contains an array
*[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/8/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00001151.html More about using suffixes to trigger code hints]
== Conditionals ==
<pre>var message = "yellow";
trace ("big " + message + " truck");                // prints "big yellow truck"
if (message == "yellow") {
trace ("yes, i did say big yellow truck.");        // prints "yes, i did say big yellow truck"
<pre>= assigning value
== comparing values</pre>
== loops ==
<table><tr><td valign=top>this sequence... <pre>trace (101);
trace (102);
trace (103);
trace (104);
trace (105);</pre></td>
<td valign=top>is equal to:
<pre>var x = 101;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);</pre></td>
<td valign=top>is also equal to:
<pre>var x = 101;
while (x <= 105) {    // as long as x is less than 105...
trace (x);
x = x + 1;          // ...continue to trace x but add one each time
<td valign=top>they all print:
== functions ==
<pre>function area(height, width){
return height * width;
area1 = area(10,15);
area2 = area(10,20);
area3 = area(10,20);
== event based execution ==
<pre>someObject.onSomeEvent = someFunction;</pre>
for example:
<pre>skaGirl.onRelease = dirtyskanking;            // the object named skaGirl will dirtyskank when mouse is released
function dirtyskanking () {
this._parent._rotation = 360;                    // defines the rotation of the dirtyskanking.
== sample ==
=== quiz ===
button1.onRelease = function () {        // on pressing button 1
this._parent.q1answer = 1;                // assigning 1 to q1 answer
this._parent.gotoAndStop("q2")            // after which we go to frame labelled as q2
if (q1answer == 3) {                      //  if answer was right
  totalCorrect = totalCorrect++;          //  increase number of total correct qns by one
== confused about root, this, and parent? so am i! ==
this piece of code would work ON a frame on the main stage, one_mc being an object onnit.
<pre>function T1over() {
_root.one_mc.onRollOver = T1over;</pre>
== actionscript and javascript ==
*[http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_15683 flash to/from javascript call]
*[http://board.flashkit.com/board/archive/index.php/t-578023.html halp i am so confused]
== tips ==
* use frame labels rather than frame numbers. you could call a starting frame "init".
* dont use too many functions
== See Also ==
*[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flashlite/2/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00000642.html preloader]
*[http://www.sephiroth.it/python/sepy.php SEPY actionscript editor]
*[http://www.mtasc.org/ Motion-Twin ActionScript 2 Open Source free compiler.]
*[http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/ SWFobject]
*[http://hosted.zeh.com.br/mctween/index.html MC Tween - Best way to tween]
*[http://code.google.com/p/tweener/ Tweener - New way to tween]
*[http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries actionscript apis (youtube, odeo)]

Revision as of 09:46, 22 September 2008

the readable stuff is at the Actionscript page, the sandbox is the-messing-around-with-snippets-section.


#include "filename.as"          // includes the .as file at runtime (must be in same folder as .fla)

        /*  CONDITIONALS  */

var message = "yellow";                         // the equal sign assigns values to variables
trace ("big " + message + " truck");            // prints "big yellow truck"
if (message == "yellow") {                      // the double equal sign checks to see if variables are equal
trace ("yes, i did say big yellow truck.");     // prints "yes, i did say big yellow truck"
trace (typeof message);                         // prints "string"
var x = a;                                      // prints "number"
trace (typeof a)

var x = 1;
while (x <= 5) {                // as long as x is less than 5...
trace (x);                      // return 1 in output
x = x + 1;                      // return 2 3 4 5 in output

        /* BUTTONS IN A QUIZ */

button1.onRelease = function () {         // on pressing button 1
this._parent.q1answer = 1;                // assigning 1 to q1 answer
this._parent.gotoAndStop("q2")            // after which we go to frame labelled as q2
if (q1answer == 3) {                      //  if answer was right
  totalCorrect = totalCorrect++;          //  increase number of total correct qns by one
}                                         //    you could even do something like
                                          //    if ( 3 < 300 ) { do something }
                                          //    if ( "a" < "z" ) { do something }


function T1over() {                             // this code is placed on main stage
        _root.one_mc.gotoAndStop(2);            // but refers to a one_mc on the stage

_root.one_mc.onRollOver = T1over;               // this would be same

on (rollOver) {                                 // this placed on one_mc
        gotoAndStop(2);                         // is the same as above
        getURL('javascript:modifyT1();');       // OPTIONALLY use frame labels instead of frame no.

        /*  ROTATION  */
on (rollOver) {
        this._rotation = + 45;          // Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation;
}                                       // values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation

        /* LOADING IMAGES IN */
this.createEmptyMovieClip("image_mc", 1);       // to create a dynamically created mc
image_mc.loadMovie("giraffe.jpg");              // mc loads an image

image_mc.removeMovieClip();                     // to remove the dynamically created mc

var score = 99;
this.createTextField("score_txt", 1, 150, 200, 200, 20);
score_txt.text = "  "+score+" points";  // prints 99 points in score_txt field
score_txt.textColor = 0xFF0000;                        // text color is red

                                // myMovieClip.createTextField (instanceName,depth,x,y,width,height)
                                //        instanceName  A string that identifies the instance name of the new text field.
                                //        x An integer that specifies the x coordinate of the new text field.
                                //        y An integer that specifies the y coordinate of the new text field.
myFormat.underline  = true;
myFormat.Color = 0xFF0000;                  // alternatively, score_txt.textColor also works
myFormat.bold = true;
myFormat.size = 16;
myFormat.font = "Georgia";                  // if you choose to set a font, make sure you include dummy field offstage
                                            // which uses your font, has font embedding turned on (character)
                                            // and if you use bold/italic/regular variation you must include each type
score_txt.setTextFormat(myFormat);          // applies format to all of score_txt
score_txt.setTextFormat(12, 27, myFormat);  // applies format to only the 12-27th character in score_txt. HARDCORE....

this.createTextField("more_txt", 1, 180, 250, 200, 20);
more_txt.html = true;                                           // creating a dynamic (highlightable) txtfield
more_txt.htmlText = "look its a
<font color='#00ccff'><u>                                       // you will have to format it all in html
<a href='http://www.sg'>link</a>

        /* LEARNING HOW TO DRAW */

_root.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 50);                        // line-thickness, colour, opacity
_root.moveTo(50, 100);                                                // cross hatch drawing
_root.lineTo(200, 100);                                                // first number is the horizontal value
_root.moveTo(50, 150);                                                // second number is the vertical value
_root.lineTo(200, 150);
_root.moveTo(150, 50);
_root.lineTo(150, 200);
_root.moveTo(100, 50);
_root.lineTo(100, 200);

_root.lineStyle(5, 0x000000, 20);                        // drawing a square
_root.moveTo(50, 50);
_root.lineTo(200, 50);
_root.lineTo(200, 200);
_root.lineTo(50, 200);
_root.lineTo(50, 50);

_root.lineStyle(10, 0x000000, 100);           // drawing a deformed circley thing with a fill.
                                              // note: to have no border, omit linestyle
_root.moveTo(125, 50);                        // move starting point from 0,0 to elsewhere
_root.beginFill(0x888888, 50);                // add a fill of 50% opacity. can
_root.curveTo(200,50, 200,125);               // _root.curveTo(controlX, controlY, anchorX, anchorY);
_root.curveTo(200,200, 125,200);
_root.curveTo(50,200, 50,125);
_root.curveTo(50,50, 125,50);

        /* drawing program */


_root.onMouseDown = function() {

this.onMouseMove = function() {

        /* Loading external swfs */

stop();                                         // place this on the frame where you want to stop 
container_mc.loadMovie('filename.swf');         // create blank container_mc at 0,0

          /* DRAWING A GRID WITH AS  */

var cols:Number = 50;
var rows:Number = 50;
var w:Number = stage.stageWidth/cols;
var h:Number = stage.stageHeight/rows;
var points:Array = Points.createPoints(rows, cols, w, h);

//drawing rows
for (var i:Number=0; i<rows+1; i++) {
	graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xEEEEEE);
	graphics.moveTo(0, points[i*(cols-1)].y-1);
	graphics.lineTo(points[cols-1].x+w, points[i*(cols-1)].y-1);

// drawing cols
for (var j:Number=0; j<cols; j++) {
	graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xEEEEEE);
	graphics.moveTo(points[j].x-1, 0);
	graphics.lineTo(points[j].x-1, points[points.length-1].y+h);


actionscript object-oriented programming (OOP)

  • Structure: main class (starts the program) > classes (blueprint which describes characteristic and behaviour of the object) > objects (interoperating instances of classes in the program)
  • store your flas and swfs in one directory (eg: /hulkdash/ )
  • store the actionscript source files in /hulkdash/src/
  • main class code should be in the file hulkdash.as (filename matches class name)
  • use packages

actionscript, that infuriatingly intractable marshmellow fluff... so far i have only understood the most basic of concepts, but now i will try to learn it well.


// set movie clip's alpha (transparency) to 50% immediately
myMC._alpha = 50%

// set up alphacounter, if alphacounter is undefined then it sets it to 99. otherwise alphacounter is to decrease to 0 and delete itself.
myMC.onEnterFrame = function (){
this.alphaCount = (this.alphaCount == undefined) ? 99 : --this.alphaCount;
this._alpha = this.alphaCount;
	if (this._alpha <= 0) {
	delete this.onEnterFrame;

// change it to ++ to make it go up


to keep with good practice you should keep to these common suffixes so that any programmer can read your code easily without finding it utterly incomprehensible.


  • must start with letters, underscore or dollarsign.
  • no hyphens or other punctuation besides the underscore.
  • cannot start with a number.
  • are case-insensitive, but keep it constant or you might get confused
  • xxx_str // means the variable contains a string
  • xxx_arr // means the variable contains an array


var message = "yellow";
trace ("big " + message + " truck");                // prints "big yellow truck"
if (message == "yellow") {
trace ("yes, i did say big yellow truck.");        // prints "yes, i did say big yellow truck"
= assigning value
== comparing values


this sequence...
trace (101);
trace (102);
trace (103);
trace (104);
trace (105);
is equal to:
var x = 101;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
x = x + 1;
trace (x);
is also equal to:
var x = 101;
while (x <= 105) {     // as long as x is less than 105...
trace (x);
x = x + 1;           // ...continue to trace x but add one each time
they all print:



function area(height, width){
return height * width;
area1 = area(10,15);
area2 = area(10,20);
area3 = area(10,20);

event based execution

someObject.onSomeEvent = someFunction;

for example:

skaGirl.onRelease = dirtyskanking;            // the object named skaGirl will dirtyskank when mouse is released

function dirtyskanking () {
this._parent._rotation = 360;                     // defines the rotation of the dirtyskanking.



button1.onRelease = function () {         // on pressing button 1
this._parent.q1answer = 1;                // assigning 1 to q1 answer
this._parent.gotoAndStop("q2")            // after which we go to frame labelled as q2

if (q1answer == 3) {                      //  if answer was right
  totalCorrect = totalCorrect++;          //  increase number of total correct qns by one

confused about root, this, and parent? so am i!

this piece of code would work ON a frame on the main stage, one_mc being an object onnit.

function T1over() {

_root.one_mc.onRollOver = T1over;

actionscript and javascript


  • use frame labels rather than frame numbers. you could call a starting frame "init".
  • dont use too many functions

See Also