1 min read

A Mini Tour-de-Paris for a Pot of Lavender



We were walking around the Ile de France yesterday when we stumbled across a row of plant shops and I decided to buy a lavender plant for 4€. Unfortunately we were nowhere near the end of the day, so I had to carry the pot of lavender everywhere with me.

Here proceeds a photographic tour of the day out with said plant, which I have now dubbed “Georges” (for this is a suitably french name).

Georges walks along the River Seine.


Georges crosses the road.


Georges sits on a bridge that connects the Ile-de-France to the rest of Paris.


Georges looks at a row of bells at the BHV on Rue de Rivoli, a DIY mega-store of epic proportions, which I intend to visit again soon.


Georges sees on the TV a news report that Hurricane Sandy has hit. Everyone went silent for a second to watch the news.


Georges at the pub (a place which is a favorite of mine, which we have been frequenting on the Rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais)


Georges on the Metro.


Georges back home at the Gare de L’est
It could have been more epic but my left arm was getting tired…