2 min read

Obsdocu, Artsciencepocketbooth, and Ujikajirecords

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One reason why I’ve wanted to go away on residency was because it was hard to break the cycle of overworking. Now I’ve taught my last class for the year, but the crazy working still continues. So here’s an update of the “fun” work done this month (I’m not even going to talk about the commercial work I’ve also been working on…):


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A simple website for a crowdfunded documentary about one of my favorite Singaporean bands of all time, The Observatory. I’ve followed them and their various other bands for well over a decade, in the form of other bands as well, and they’ve dedicated so much time to their craft and music. I’m proud we have guys making music like this here in Singapore. The folks who are trying to produce the film are also friends of mine, and we’re seeking funding to make this documentary. Please donate generously if you would like to support this project!

Visit obsdocu.sg



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A simple website for a flash interactive onsite at the ArtScience Museum, part of the children’s section of the Andy Warhol exhibition. Visitors can take pictures of their belongings and it uploads straight to this site online. Visitors can also tag the pictures with their own keywords, although so far most people seem content to be tagging it with

Visit artsciencepocketbooth.org



handdrawn chinese words for ujikaji!
I’m also rebuilding an online shop for Ujikaji Records, run by my good friend Mark “Ujikaji” Wong. Ujikaji Records is a label/distro specialising in experimental music from Singapore/South East Asia, and they’ll be releasing a number of new digital releases soon and also a compilation of experimental music from Singapore soon (AS SOON AS WE GET ALL THIS UP!). This week, after building the above two sites in record time, I suddenly discovered the magical WordPress plugin known as Jigoshop and after one evening of tinkering I already had incredible results, and I’ve realised its certainly well within my ability to BUILD AN ENTIRE ECCOMMERCE SITE IN TWO WEEKS! OH YEAH, SO THATS WHAT I’M GONNA DO.

Don’t visit ujikaji.net until next week!