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Singapore Art Week 2022: Where to see Debbie’s works

Here’s a roundup of where you can find Debbie’s works during the ever chaotic Singapore Art Week!


Feeling confused and overwhelmed by the amount of work being put out by every other artist in Singapore during Singapore Art Week? Well so am I! If you do not manage to go see these shows, no pressure, for my greatest wish for these works are for them to be encountered by passerbys who didn’t even go out of their houses intending to see some art. None of the three above shows are set in conventional contemporary art spaces and all involve a lot of walking to get there to see the work. So if you see it, you lucky! And if you don’t manage to see it in person… well don’t worry probably some obscure parts of it will come back to haunt you in some future virtual incarnation of my works….

1. Data Mining Jurong (at Science Centre Singapore)

Data Mining Jurong is a collaboration between myself and my IXD students, with contributions from the public about what they associate with Jurong. The work is located in a theatre at the end of Urban Mutations gallery. You can descend an infinite mine shaft and observe objects from Jurong embedded in the layers of rock strata. A Collaboration between NYP and SAM. [Behind the Scenes: Read more about the process of making the work here.]

2. Memory Portals (on the Asian Civilisations Museum Green)

Memory Portals is a light installation on the Asian Civilisations Museum Green until 3 Feb 2022, visualising stories from my 2010 work Here the River Lies. It looks stunning in the daytime and lights up at night because it is actually made of laser cut layers of coloured acrylic layered together to make the different colours. After many years of making works about the Singapore River, I’ve never actually shown an artwork so close to the Singapore River before! I can’t believe how this came together in such a short time. This would not have been possible without Asian Civilisations Museum for commissioning the work and the super amazing fast production by AE Models.

  • Where to find it: Asian Civilisations Museum Green (Front Lawn)
  • When: 14 Jan 2022 to 3 Feb 2022
  • Official Information: Light to Night 2022
  • See the source material for the work: Memory Portals

3. Not For Sale (on Fortune Centre’s advertising billboard)

You Press The Button is my first 3D animated short! It is being screened on a billboard on Fortune Centre in the civic district and on Kinex Mall in Tanjong Katong. It is part of Not For Sale, curated by Protoprojects (comprising the duo of Kristine Tan and Gillian Daniels) and there you can also see the amazing works by Yeyoon Avis Ann and Chong Yan Chuah. I’m also going to write up some documentation of how I made it soon – it was entirely made in Blender! I modelled and animated it in Blender, and then I rendered all the scenes out and also did the final video and audio edit in Blender simply because it was possible for me to do so in one program!

  • Where to find it: Fortune Centre Billboard, and Kinex Mall Billboard
  • When: 13 Jan 2022 to 23 Jan 2022
  • Official Information: NOT FOR SALE


Other Group Shows and projects I’m involved in:

4. My Desire to Consume (Grey Projects)

My Desire to Consume – Internet! Listen up! I heard that you like cat pictures…. I have a cat picture at this experimental show at Grey Projects, organised by Jo Ho! Also featuring the works of Fyerool Darma, Jennifer Mehigan, Jo Ho & Kapilan Naidu, Andreas Schlegel and Tisya Wong.


5. The Observatory REFUSE (Singapore Art Museum, TPD)

REFUSE – I helped to draw a few mindmaps for The Observatory as part of their show REFUSE at the Tanjong Pagar Distripark. It was great to dig deep into the detailed history of a band I’ve followed for so many years and to visualise it for them as these laser-etched maps (fabricated by the amazing Lionsforge). Please go down to see the amazing mycological instruments. I actually used d3.js to generate some of visualisations and easily exported them SVGs so I could draw on top of them in Procreate.

  • Where to find it: Gallery 1, SAM at Tanjong Pagar Distripark
  • Official Information: REFUSE


6. (Coming soon) Design Superpositions (National Design Centre)

Design Superpositions – I’ve made an post-internet work riffing off the plotlines of local “scifi” television drama shows! True story. More images and details coming soon on 22 Jan 2022.