2 min read

“Telepathy” / “Pedestrian Racing” (Documentation of Work, Goodman Arts Centre, Sept 2012)

gac floorplan mockup

gac floorplan mockup

I just recalled that on the eve of my departure from Singapore I had spent some time scurrying around the Goodman Arts Centre applying some vinyls to the ground in anticipation of this year’s Goodman Arts Centre Open House. Although I was not in Singapore at the time to see people’s responses or interactions with it, I hope that someone out there actually saw it.

Here are two psychogeographical games presented by the Singapore Psychogeographical Society + Studio Thirteen at the GAC Open House 2012 – “Telepathy” and “Pedestrian Racing” – located at the 3rd, 4rd, and 5th floors of Block B, based on the fact that the upper floors of Block B offer a kind of panopticonic view of the entire compound and everyone walking in…:



Pedestrian Racing



If attempting the foolhardy task of applying many vinyl text to the ground by oneself, do check at the printer if they have missed out any dots or the letter i. Next, clean the ground with a rag rather than pouring a bucket onto it or it will TAKE HOURS TO DRY. These were things I wish I knew before I had to cut out my own dots for letters, and before I gaily tossed a bucket of water on the ground and had to wait a few hours for it to dry – hours which I could scarcely afford on what was literally the eve of my departure. In the end, I ran out of time and part of the installation had to be completed with the help of Kent Chan! Thanks so much Kent!

